**Coming Soon Bootstrap 4 Template**
Release Date: 10th Feb, 2017
Update Date: 5th Oct, 2017

A Free Coming Soon Bootstrap 4 Template by TemplateFlip.com.

Live Demo - https://templateflip.com/demo/?template=coming-soon-bootstrap-template
Download - https://templateflip.com/templates/coming-soon-bootstrap-template/

License Terms

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
You can use this template for free in both personal as well as commercial projects.
In return you need to keep the credit to https://templateflip.com from the site footer.

You can buy a premium license to be allowed to remove the footer link.


You do not have the rights to sub-license, sell or distribute any of TemplateFlip item.
If you wish to promote our resources on your site, you must link back to our resource page,
where users can find the download and not directly to the download file.
You must not use the themes and templates from TemplateFlip for displaying unlawful content.
For any further queries regarding terms of use and licensing feel free to contact us.


Check out our Website templates at https://templateflip.com/templates/